Happy Spring! I am already seeing daffodils blooming, so I am calling it spring! Our after church get together last week was a nice time to share food, fellowship and a few people played games. Maybe we can do it more often.
The women’s meeting will be this Monday, March 3 at 6pm. Bring any food items you have for food bags to have at church: Apple sauce, peanut butter crackers, meat sticks, drinks, etc. We will make bags to have at the church to hand out when needed.
Our service project for March is continuing collecting non-perishable items for Sharing and Caring and money to go to Church World Service to help in disasters. Thanks for your continued support!!
Also, the women’s Bible study will be starting soon. Books have been ordered for the Twelve Daring Women of the Bible series. It’s never too late to join. It will start as soon as the books arrive, Tuesdays 6pm.

The next meeting is TBA