Most of this discourse is material that is found only in John’s version of the Last Supper. The washing of the disciples’ feet, the promise of a prepared place for them, the promise of the Advocate (Holy Spirit), the analogy of the “true Vine” and branches, and a focused prayer for the future work of the disciples are all heartfelt expressions of Jesus’ love for his chosen leaders. They will be the ones who will carry on his mission of compassionate interaction with the world.
I know I shared these chapters one year during a Maundy Thursday service, and this section of Scripture continues to be a model for pastoral relationships. Therefore, beloved, when you are thinking about some of the experiences we have shared, I suggest that you read some of John’s unique account of the Last Supper. I believe it will provide encouragement and inspiration for the journey ahead as you serve God and each other!
Romans 15:13,